-- Assume A = '0', B = '0', C = '1'
process (A, B, C)
variable V: Std_logic;
V := A nand B;
V := V nor C;
F <= not V;
end process;
:= is the assignment of a variable. Unlike a signal (<=) the value of the variable changes immediately. Signal assignments are allays delayed i.e. the next run of the process. In the above example V is synthersised as two wires i.e V := (A nand B) nor C.
Variables can only be used within the process it is defined.
- If you assign a wire before using it it will become a wire.
- If you read a variable for assigning it it will become a FF.
This blog post contains notes taken when working through the Doulos Pacemaker tutorial. Any content copied from the tutorial has been reproduced with permission. http://www.doulos.com.
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