signal Reg: STD_LOGIC;
AND_REG: process
variable V: STD_LOGIC; -- V is a wire.
wait until RISING_EDGE(Clock);
V := '1';
for I in 0 to 7 loop
V := V and Input(I);
end loop;
Reg <= V; -- Reg is a FF
end process;
Reg is a signal so will always become a register.
V is assigned to 1 at the top of the file. We do not have to store the value of V between clock cycles so V is a wire.
Counter: process
variable Count:
STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
wait until RISING_EDGE(Clock);
if Reset = '0' then
Count := "00000000"; -- Count is a 8 FF's
Count := Count + '1';
end if;
Output <= Count(7); -- Output is one FF. However some Synthis tools will merge this out.
end process;
wait until RISING_EDGE(Clock);
Q <= Data;
QB <= not Data;
end process;
The above will create two flip flops. This is corrected below.
wait until RISING_EDGE(Clock);
Q <= Data;
end process;
QB <= not Q;
Note is we want to describe a shift register using a variable we need to move from the out
This blog post contains notes taken when working through the Doulos Pacemaker tutorial. Any content copied from the tutorial has been reproduced with permission.
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