There are some interesting things to note:
- The timer has a prescaler
- TMR0IF is the output and it needs to be cleared when set.
- There is a complex arrangement for reading TMR0H
The timer has a prescaler
The prescaler allows us to divide the timers clock. In the example below their are two line of code (one commented out) That set the value of the prescaler.
// Init Timer
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; // clear roll-over interrupt flag
//T0CON = 0b00001000; // no prescale - increments every instruction clock
T0CON = 0b00000001; // prescale 1:4 - four times the delay.
TMR0H = 0; // clear timer - always write upper byte first
TMR0L = 0;
T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1; // start timer
TMR0IF is the output and it needs to be cleared when set.
We need to clear the output of the timer before we start it. The counter can be started using T0CONbits.
There is a complex arrangement for reading TMR0H
The high byte of the timer is no directly accessible. It can only be accessed in conjunction with the lower bytes. To read the timer always read TMR0L first then TMR0H. To write to the timer always write to TMR0H first then followed by TMR0L.
MicroChip PICkit3 Debug Express, PIC18F45k20 - MPLAB C Lessons.
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